The Picturesque in Class

The upper class, the wealthy have generally been considered the elegant, the truly beautiful and picturesque. In art the beauty of kings and their families are displayed. Lovely and pastoral scenery accompany such demonstrations of the upper class in art. The upper class also worked the most prestigious jobs or they did not have employment but rather lived off of family money. This lifestyle is neat, clean, seeming to have arrived at perfection of rest and freedom. The of beauty in the upper class is picturesque because the appearance of unattainable perfection by human beings draws the eye, the imagination and desire.

In contrast, the ruggedness of the lower class, the devastation, ruin and pain that embodies their lives provides the proverbial contrast of hope and struggle as a painter would create light and dark contrasts.  The lower class traditionally have worked the messy, dangerous, disorganized jobs and have had to fight to survive. The ruggedness of the lower class is picturesque because the mind is drawn to the struggle the lower class endures. The pain they suffer is elevated in a romantic sense that makes one yearn to participate in the struggle.  ImageImage

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