With this assignment, I decided to take another look at the picturesque. I think it is detail and roughness in the photo but in this photo, the sky is very blue and plain making half of this photo beautiful in a sense. Beauty is defined as a plain look at scenery with not a lot of detail but more simple. There are many ways to make a photo simple yet beautiful. One way is by zooming in to the object you may take a photo of. Then it will seem more plain and have a beautiful look to it. A good method to taking a picturesque picture is to do it from a obscure angle that is very different that a straight forward shot. Taking a photo from an angle that is lower makes the picture seem totally different than taking it straight forward. There are many different ways to accomplish a picturesque photo. Another way is to have the camera focus on something really close and yet having a good background that complements the picture. I have fun when I capture a great work of art in my photography. I have a sense of accomplishment and im sure everyone does when they are satisfied with the work they created when it comes to taking good photographs with different objectives in mind, whether its to take a simple pretty picture or to go in the other direction and take a picturesque photo. Both take different mindsets, and are important to the ideals of photography in many ways.