Catherine “Skittles” Walters

As you may already know, prostitution was quite common throughout the Victorian Era. In fact, it was considered one of society’s major issues throughout the period. Many women of the lower class took up prostitution due to limited opportunities; however, the job itself provided them with limitless freedom and sometimes fortune. Catherine Walters or “Skittles” was an infamous prostitute of the 19th century. Walters was known to be a profound horseback rider and rich in character. Much of her fortune was obtained from wealthy callers who were not only enlightened from her sexual pleasures, but her remarkable active riding skills. Walters was not like the many courtesans of her time, due to her admirable elegance as a prostitute. Walters altered the ways of prostitution in a sense that she would have many followers or “copy-cats” throughout her days. She was the ideal woman from the male and female perspective.
