Rough Draft For Group Poster

The ideas that we have came up with while collaborating for our project was the theme of human exploitation on the planet, and that therefore causing ruin. By showing different aspects by using our imagery, we hope to show the concept of ruin both creatively and historically.

By pulling aspects of literature, art, and philosophy into our historical and analytical poster, we hope to look at the subject from many different sides, pulling together different approaches. These will all central down to one specific theme and make one central argument that we have collaborated together. By using different ideas, we hope to show a broad sense of how this idea of ruin is not just something that is happening now, but was also happening during the past. The issue having many different effects and being caused in many different ways (i.e. World War I, Industrial Revolution, colonialism). Taking large problems or even small ones, such as the implementations of dams and how they effect water ways.

We hope to use the creativity portion of our poster to show the ways in which our original art has displayed human exploitation. Using an original photo showing the before state of a natural landscape or mostly natural landscape, comparing it to the ruin that is brought forth by man, whether it be the destruction of property through violent acts or the destruction of land and natural ecosystems by an overexploitation and misuse of an environment. 

All these pulled together will show our contribution to the ways in which ruin is being portrayed in our world through the environment and how humans, just like in society, can be centered at the core of the problem. 
