Assignment Rough-Draft

One of the following photos will be chosen for the group project, based on the overall group’s decision. The theme for this particular collection focuses on the inevitable dismissals of life. Death, rejection, hardships are all obligatory limitations that we encounter on a daily basis. The flightless bird and the blatant “NO” is a perfect portrayal of my theme. The dark colors, the concrete, and all other aspects of the photos represent the mood centered around these limitations.

As briefly explained by one of my group members in the previous blog, our fate is sometimes held captive by man. What I would like to do is hopefully combine my photos with those of my partners to imply hopefulness or some sort of positivity in the mist of darkness. I would like us to create a manifestation far beyond sadness or hardship. The point of this project is to combine different perspectives of humanity; I believe that I’ve already captured the darker parts of life and now we must bring it light

– Malarie Williams