On the friday Spetember 23rd my gorup and i met to dicuss how we are going to get poeple involed in our project. We decided to set a time and date to interview people aobut the ratio at tech and thier social life. We wanted more viedeos of peopel doing wierd things for sweets, so we set up times to bake cookies or cupcakes. We want more viedeos becasue 3 videos is not enough for a several week project. Also we diccuesd the creation of a website where all our results were to be placed. This website will house all of our viedoes, explanations, pictures etc. Also it will include our conclusion and how we got our conclusion.
Our project is going to involve several different parts. All are focused around social awkwardness. One part os the ratio and how comfortable people are walking up to the opposite sex and just talking or hanging out. Also we have what people will do for sweets. IT may just be they want to do weird stuff and this an outlet for it. Ze Frank inspired this part with his Earth Sandwhich video. We are hoping to make people more comfortable with social interactions, wheter its just friends or with the opposite sex or anywhere.