Hello once again my fellow kitchen-mates. I will be your chef today, and now let’s see what kind of cookies we have baking:
Our latest assignment has been to read the chapter “Play” and blog on the chapter and the exercise following:
The chapter explains the importance of happiness and how it affects the world and those who inhabit it. Like the old saying goes, “Laughter is the best medicine,” Daniel Pink believe’s that laughter is just as infectious as any microbes found inside our bodies. I find this to be true as well. It’s extremely difficult to be down around someone who is exuberant.
We should all be playful, at least enough to reduce some of the stresses life has place upon our shoulders. Letting out your inner child from time to time feels good. I do it occasionally by doing some of the stuff I used to do as a kid. It brings back this nostalgic feeling that I can’t get anywhere else.
I didn’t technically perform any of the exercises because none of them pertained to me nor were really available. I focused in on the gaming aspect of the chapter since I love video games and I want to be a game designer when I get older. I did (briefly) visit one of the sites that Dan mentioned in his gaming exercise in an attempt to educated people who have never played what the big deal is about games. I’d like to add on to his take on gaming. It is awesome, and the industry has the capability to teach a lot subliminally. I ,have many examples of this, and I’m going to share two, both took place when I was younger.
1st – I played a bunch of games in the Jak and Daxter series. One of the cities was called Haven City. One day while playing, I became curious as to what ‘haven’ meant and why the city was named that. I went and looked it up on my own and found that it meant a safe place. it was ironic because the place was in rubble, under constant attack, and ruled by a tyrannous baron.
2nd – Our teacher asked us in 2nd grade, I think it was, how to spell ‘cell’. I was the only one. Some of the others came close, but they were spelling words such as – sell, sail, sale, etc. – so the teacher asked me how I knew the correct spelling. It took me less than half a second to think and answer. My response (all in one breath) – “I watched Dragon Ball Z and there was this guy who went around and got powered up by sticking his tail in other people and stealing their cells and that’s how he spelled his name.” Who says games and cartoons are mind-rotting? They put me at the top of my class.
Well readers, that’s all the cookies we had baking in the oven tonight. Stay tuned.