Invention Essay Final

The goal of global WSU was to show everyone that to come to WSU you don’t just have to be from the United States. This project emphasizes this by showing that there are many students that go here that are from all around this world. WSU is a great campus and is friendly and open to anyone that wants to join our campus family. We are all connected in one way or another, many people came here for the same reasons and share the same memories. College is a time where you get the chance to meet new people and enjoy the company of the other around you. The main aspect that I think came out of this project was that it showed me that weather you are from Washington or Africa we are all connected to WSU and we all share the same WSU blood. Many of the foreign students here stick to what they know and this project helped opened some new doors to new idea for these people from different parts of the country. For Example, Focusing on people from all parts of the world and making this a public display for the cougar community it showed many students that we are all alike in many ways. Many people came here for the same reasons and this projected just showed that students are not alone by showing that many of their fellow students have the same goals to accomplish and great memories from being here. This project not only helped out many of the foreign students but, it also helped me as an individual. It took me out of my daily routine and got me to talk to people I didn’t know. All of the people I interacted with were so nice and it showed me that maybe I need to change my daily routine and the people I always hang out with.  This project also, showed me that you can never have too many friends, that doing the same thing every day is boring, and in all I need to get out and meet new people.

We came up with many different ideas for a project but all of our ideas lead back to this main idea of global WSU. I loved the idea of going out and meeting new people to learn about their country. I have always wanted to travel the world and see everything, this project just gave me a glimpse of some of the countries people are from and some of the responses I heard gave me a picture of what some of the countries are like. I learned so much from other people about their country but with this learning process there were many decisions we had to make as a group and a few problems with our original plan we had to fix. We were first going to on the map connect each tack or place to WSU separate but then we decided that 50 strings all going to one place would be hard to do that’s when we decided to so the continents instead. We decided to go to the learning center because we knew that there would be many foreign students there rather than going around campus alone you would just find a lot of people from the northwest of the US. We wanted a variety of people not just from the northwest and not only from other countries but we also wanted to show that people from the east coast and Canada are accepted just as easily. We decided that we wanted to do a visual not just videos but a tangible visual this is when the idea of the world map came in. If we would have just taken pictures and showed the class a video it would have not been the same as having a visual where they can see every little detail of hard work we put into this project.

We took advantage of the ability to use pictures and videos in our project so that it could appeal to the people in the English class making our rhetorical choice Pathos. We used many little materials to help us in this project including, tacks, a world map, colored pencils, markers, papers with quotes, Styrofoam boards, laptops, and phones. We made many methodological choices throughout this project. The first choice we had decided upon was what we really wanted to get out of this project, like what information did we want to gather. This is when we decided to do the questions and have people answer them. Then the next choice was deciding where we would go to get people to help us with our project which is when we decided to go to the English learning center where we knew we could find man5y foreign students. We last had to decide how we were going to put everything together, we decided that that having a world map and connecting each continent back to WSU was a unique idea so that’s what we did. Along with the map we made a short video, we did this by putting together all of the little videos that we took of people throughout the project.

Writing the process of how the invention mob was going helped me in expanding on my writing by pushing me to write every little detail about what we have done and the process that got us to the end. I realized during this project that writing is a skill that will never go away and will follow me for the rest of my life. I have learned that doing half the job will not cut it in my future so I need to pick up my game. This project has been a huge help in my writing skills just the little bit that we had to write went a long ways for me. Even though the project itself did not help me in my writing skills it was a lot of help that we had to write about the process. It showed me that if I try my hardest I can accomplish whatever I have my mind set on and in this case it was details in writing about the process.

There were many factors in to us accomplishing this large task that we only had about two weeks to put together. Many of the people from out of the country were very nice and helped us out in contributing t6o this project. I think that if we would have had more time to do this project it could have been 100 times better. We did a great job at doing our project and we accomplished everything that we wanted to but we could have never done it without the people who agreed to participate. Without these willing people our project would have failed and we would have never had the chance to meet these amazing new people and learn about their country. It was fun because some of the responses that we got made us laugh. The highlight of the whole project was being able to laugh with people that we have never met before. The people that we interviewed turned out to be much more willing to do the project then we originally thought. For the people that did not want to be videotaped we wrote down what they said and decided that we would use the best ones to put in the empty spaces on our map to make it not look so plain. We decided to use certain quotes because they were some of the funniest ones we had and we wanted to show the class that we did manage to have fun while doing our project .Being able to see people that we do not even know laugh while telling a story or their thoughts was an amazing experience. I enjoyed getting to know all the people that we meet and was very thankful that they were more than willing to help us out.

This project I believe was a success. It taught me many new things such as people aren’t as scary as they seem and if you just simply go up and start talking to someone you could make an instant friend. Even though we had a few mishaps we managed to turn this project into something more then we imagined. I got to learn about other countries, ones in which I wish to travel to in the future. It was overall a great experience to go out and meet many people from other countries and find out why they chose to come to WSU. My favorite part was finding out some of the best memories they have here so far, it just came to show that people are making the best of WSU and enjoying the people around them. WSU is a great school and I love knowing that everyone that goes here is accepted for whom they are and they are not being judged by where they come from.

Cover letter 2nd draft

Looking back on my first blog post about communication in the 21st century, my opinion has not changed one bit about how I view communication today. Communication has changed so much over the past couple years and just keeps advancing, even today. People no longer have to speak face to face they can just Skype or do face time; both of these means may seem equivalent to face to face talk but it’s just not the same. Communication in today could be for the better but we choose to make it hurt us instead. For example, while texting a friend you will shorten words such as because and okay, this is harming us because as we go to write a professional letter, or something equivalent to that, we tend to use our “texting” language instead of proper English. Not only is this communication affecting today’s generations but also future generations. Future generations are going to grow up with these slang terms and not know the difference between texting talk and proper English. Not only is this new way of communication a problem for getting into personal conversations but it also is a problem for spelling. We now have things like spell check where if we do not know how to spell a word the computer will spell it for you. Need to know a definition just Google the word, this is taking away from the idea that if we want to know something we should look for it. With Google it is no challenge to find anything because it will look for you. Along with Google there is email, Facebook, and other means of communication which are much faster. Communication is much more convenient now because you do not have to wait for the postal service to send a letter through the mail, you can just simply send a person an email that they will receive in minutes if not seconds. Over this semester my outlook on communication has not changed if anything it has made me feel more confident about how I view communication in the 21st century.

Having to find something that I could live without would have had to been my most favorite blog post. I like this post because it made me really think about everything that I do not use every day. I liked trying to put together what I was going to talk about because I have a lot of things that I know I can live without but I have a hard time getting rid of. For example, over the years I have gotten shirts from different places around the US and they do not fit me anymore but I cannot seem to throw them out. In the end, though, I decided that I would write about shoes since I have so many pairs of them. Half of them I hardly even wear while others I wear until they are no longer wearable.  I favored this one over the rest of the post because the other ones because this one brings out more of me in it. I am not just answering a prompt this one actually made me think about what I could truly live without. My least favorite one would have to be the research essay just because I like speaking my opinion and I am not too good at research essays. Even though I am very passionate about the topic I wrote on I still did not feel motivated to do it. I do not mind writing but for me to be able to sit down and write a paper it has to give me some kind of motivation to do it, This one did not do that for me. My other favorite project we did in English was the invention mobs. I loved going around and finding out about where people are from and why they decided to travel so far from home to come to WSU. I love learning new things about different parts of the world and one day I plan on traveling all over the world seeing all the different sites. I did not like having to write the essay for it though. Because it was a group project and we all worked on it together made it hard to write an individual paper on it. I had favorite blog post and ones that I wish I never had to do but in the end it all helped me enhance my writing skills and gave me lots of practice to work on aspects of writing that I lacked.

I see myself as a thinker because I am not very great at sitting down and writing and I can’t invent anything if my life depended on it. This semester has taught me to think outside my usual environment and my comfort zone. It has challenged me to think in ways that I have never even thought about thinking in. Even though I do not consider myself a writer I did learn a lot in this class about how important it is to re-read what you wrote. I never really paid attention before to my writing so I never noticed how choppy my writing is. The consumer essay was the first time I noticed this after going back over it after our peer review it made me realized that my writing needs some serious improving. After I discovered this problem I decided that it was best to take my time in writing a paper then trying to rush it just so I could get it done.  I am not an inventor but it was a lot of fun putting together the invention mob project with my group. I love putting together projects but I think this last project help show me that even though I am not an inventor on a big scale I can be creative when I want to be. This semester has changed me as a person in some major ways. I decided that I would use this semester to change my writing technique and the most important thing that I learned this semester was when doing the invention mob. I use to judge people that I didn’t even know but doing this project it took me out of my comfort zone. It helped me realize that some people that I may be judging could be the nicest person that I would ever meet. Of everything that this semester has taught me I think those are the two most useful things that I learned that I can carry on with me for the rest of my life.

Consumer essay redo

You can see how much money I spend by looking at my piggy bank. It used to be full of dimes. Nickels, and quarters but over the last couple of years I have cheated and have spent money from it. I slowly see it start draining, A quarter here and there and maybe even a dollar I put in there disappears and I don’t even remember what I used it for. It is one thing if you know where your money goes but most of the time I do not remember what I spent it on. You do not realize how much a quarter here and a dollar there puts you behind. A dollar would buy me a tea at the near buy coffee stand by my high school so every day I would go in and find a dollar in my piggy bank. Here at college my piggy bank sits up on my top shelf right above my bed and has not moved since I put it there. Being in college my piggy bank does not help me to much in buying things because it’s almost impossible to find something on campus that only cost a dollar.

I still have a piggy bank but I have given into the temptation of debit cards. These I believe are the worst things they ever invented because unlike tangible money this money can be used for online shopping. This is another temptation I have given into. When I just had my piggy bank and no debt card it was much easier to save my money at least a little bit because I would see the money going unlike a debit card where all I see is a number. I love to buy new things and having a debit card does not help me at all with saving money when I see something I want to buy. For example, this last week I was just simply going through clothes and other things online and I ended up spending 100 dollars on things that I could probably live without. I have a very bad tendency to spend money when I have a lot of it.

Since I have come to collage I have been more aware of how much money I have. I know that if I spend all my money I will regret it because there might be a emergency and if I spend all my money I would have no way to buy anything. So I do have a limit but I still consume things that I do not need. College so far has been an interesting experience in seeing if I can manage to not waste all my money on stupid stuff that I think I may need when in reality I do not need these things at all. I think that I am doing a good job in a way but sometimes I wonder does it at all have to do with how my parents consume.

Whenever I go shopping with my mom or my dad I wonder if my spending habits are inherited from my parents. Both of my parents are really bad about buying things that in the long run they will never use. My family has never been rich and I think that is a lot of my consuming problem. I think that people from less privileged families tend to buy more of what they don’t need because they have never been able to do that before. What I in all mean that being in college I tend to get extra money from financial aid or my parents give me a little bit of money. This money that I get I think that I am more likely to spend on things that I really do not need just because growing up I was not able to buy things for myself.

I have never really thought about how many things I consume until I added up all the things that I have bought in the last year and looked at my bank statements. After thinking about it I realized that I consume a lot more than I am aware of. There are so many things that I have that I don’t even remember buying.  This is a bad sign because that means that I am consuming too much to remember. Which is why I consider myself as a very consuming person, when I am shopping I see things that I think I need and will I use these things but after I get home and time goes buy I realize that there was no need for me to buy these items. Being a consumer is a natural thing because it is what we all do. Whether we realize it or not, almost everything that we do we are consuming. For an example we are consuming knowledge every day we are at school and around in public. Even though it is not consuming material items we are consuming our environment, people interaction which we all need.

It is in everyone’s nature to consume things. Whether you are poor or rich that just puts into account how much you can consume. Many people in today’s society cannot afford to spend hundreds of dollars on things that they don’t need but then on the other hand you have people that are spending thousands of dollars on things that they don’t need. This is a question of is consuming fair to some people? Being poor does not mean that a person can’t consume things. They can consume things for shelters, food banks, standing on the corner or just being around other people. Rich people on the other hand consume multiple things; boats, houses, and even vacations. It all depends what you can afford to consume.

So in the end is being a consumer good or bad? Well from my own experience I see it as a good thing. It is good because without consuming this world would be nothing. But there is a thing as too aggressive of a consumer these to me are those that buy things even though they do not have the money to spend. There are many types of consumers out there and in the end I see myself as a moderate consumer.

Cover letter

Looking back on my first blog post about communication in the 21st century I still believe in what I wrote then and my understanding of communication has not changed one bit. Communication has changed so much over the years and just keeps changing even today. People no longer have to speak face to face they can just Skype or do face time. Both of these means may seem equivalent to face to face talk but it’s just not the same. Communication in today’s society could be for the better but we choose to make it hurt us instead. For example, while texting a friend you will shorten words such as because and okay. This is harming us because as we go to write a professional letter or something equivalent to that we tend to use out “texting” language instead of proper English. Not only is this communication affecting today’s generations but future generations are going to grow up with these slang terms and not know the difference between texting talk and proper English. Not only is this new way of communication a problem for getting into personal conversations but it also is a problem for spelling. We now have things like spell check where if we do not know how to spell a word the computer will spell it for you. Need to know a definition just Google the word. This is taking away from the idea that if we want to get something we should look for it. With Google it is no challenge to find anything because it will look for you. Communication today is much more convenient because you do not have to wait for the postal service to send a letter through the mail you can just simply send a person an email that they will receive in minutes if not seconds. Over this semester my outlook on communication has not changed if anything it has made me feel more confident about how I view communication in the 21st century.

My favorite post was the one where we had to find something that we could live without. I like this post because it made me really think about everything that I do not use every day. I liked trying to put together what I was going to talk about because I have a lot of things that I know I can live without but I have a hard time getting rid of. For example, over the years I have gotten shirts from different places round the US and they do not fit me anymore but I cannot seem to throw them out. In the end I decided that I would write about shoes since I have so many pairs of them. Half of them I hardly even wear while others I wear until they are no longer wearable.  I favor this one over the rest of the post because the other ones because this one brings out more of me in it. I am not just answering a prompt this one actually made me think about what I would do. My least favorite one would have to be the ted talk essay just because I like speaking my opinion and I am not too good at research essays. My other favorite project we did in English was the invention mobs. I loved going around and finding out about where people are from and why they decided to travel so far from home to come to WSU. I love learning new things about different parts of the world one day I plan on traveling all over the world and seeing everything. I did not like having to write the essay for it though. Because it was a group project and we all worked on it together so having to write individual essays did not make much sense to me at all. Even though I did have favorites and things that I did not enjoy doing it was still a great way to enhance my writing skills and it really helped me with certain writing skills that I lacked.

I see myself as a thinker. I am not very great at sitting down and writing and I can’t invent anything if my life depended on it. This semester has taught me to think outside my usual thinking. It has challenged me to think in ways that I have never even thought about thinking in. Even though I do not consider myself a writer I did learn a lot in this class about how important it is to re-read what you wrote. I never really paid attention before about how bad my writing was if I never went back over it. The consumer essay was the first time I noticed this after going back over it after our peer review I realized that my writing needs some serious improving. So after I realized this I decided that it was best to take my time in writing a paper then trying to rush it just to get it done.   I am not an inventor but it was a lot of fun putting together the invention mob project with my group. I love putting together projects but I think this last project help show me that even though I am not an inventor on a big scale I can be creative when I want to be. This semester has only changed me as a person in some major ways. I decided that I would use this semester to change my writing technique. The most important thing that I learned this semester was when I was doing the invention mob. I use to judge people that I didn’t even know but doing this project it took me out of my comfort zone. It helped me realize that some people that I may be judging could be the nicest person that I would ever meet. Of everything that this semester has taught me I think those are the two most useful things that I learned that I can carry on with me for the rest of my life.

Global WSU and my personal experience

The goal of our global WSU was to show everyone that to come to WSU you don’t just have to be from the United States. We wanted to emphasize that there are many students that go here that are from other countries. WSU is a great campus and is friendly and open to anyone that wants to join our cougar family. We are all connected to each other in  one way or another. Many people came here for the same reason and many people share some of the same memories. College is a time where you meet new people and just enjoy the company of the other around you. The main point we want to come out of this project is to show that weather you are from Washington or Africa we are all connected to WSU and we all share the same WSU blood. Many of the foreign students stick to the other foreign students for friends and with this project we opened some doors to a new idea for them. This project not only helped out the foreign students it also helped me as a person not just as a student. It took me out of my everyday routine and got me to talk to people who I most likely wouldn’t of ever thought to even talk to. All of the people I talked with were so nice and it showed me that maybe I need to change my daily routine and the people I always hang out with.  This project showed me that you can never have to many friends and that doing the same thing every day is boring and I need to get out and meet new people.

We took advantage of the use of pictures and videos in our project. We made our project so that it could appeal to the people in the English class so that it would interest them and get out point across to them in an interesting and unique way. This is the form of  rhetorical choice Pathos. We used many little materials to help us in this project including, tacks, world map, colored pencils, marker, paper with quotes, Styrofoam board, laptops, and phones. We made many methodological choices throughout this project. The first choice we had decide upon was what we really wanted to get out of this project like what information did we want to gather. This is when we decided to do the questions and have people answer them. Then the next choice was deciding where we would go to get people to help us with our project. This is when we decided to go to the English learning center where we knew we could find many foreign students. We last had to decide how we were going to put everything together. We decided that that having a world map and connecting each continent back to WSU was a unique idea so that’s what we did. Then with the videos we took we wanted to make a short film out of all of them which turned out to be much better than we ever expected.

We came up with many different ideas but all of our ideas lead back to this idea of global WSU. I loved the idea of going out and meet new people and learning about other people’s country. I have always wanted to travel the world and see everything. This project gave me a glimpse of some of the countries people are from and some of the responses I heard gave me a picture of what some of the countries are like. We were first going to on the map connect each tack or place to WSU separate but then we decided that 50 strings all going to one place would be hard to do that’s when we decided to so the continents instead. We decided to go to the learning center because we knew that there would be many foreign students there rather than going around campus alone you would just find a lot of people from the northwest of the US. We wanted a variety of people not just from the northwest and not only from other countries but we also wanted to show that people from the east coast and Canada are accepted just as easily. We decided that we wanted to do a visual not just videos but a tangible visual this is when the idea of the world map came in. If we would have just taken pictures and showed the class it just would of not been the same as having a visual where they can see every little detail of hard work we put into that map.

I personally am bad at emphasizing and expanding while writing. Writing the process of how the invention mob was going and process helped me in expanding on my writing. I have realized during this project that writing is a skill that will never go away and will follow me for the rest of my life. I have learned that doing half the job will not cut it in my future so I need to pick up my game. This project has been a huge help in my writing skills just the little bit that we had to write went a long ways for me. Even though the project itself did not help me in my writing skills it was a huge help that we had to write on the process and everything because that showed me that if I try my hardest I can accomplish whatever I have my mind set on and in this case it was details in writing about the process.

There were many factors in to us accomplishing this large task that we only had about two weeks to put together. Many of the people from out of the country were very nice and helpful in helping us out. I think though that if we would have had more time to do this project it could have been 100 times better. I think that we did a great job at doing our project and we accomplished everything that we wanted to but we could have never done it without the people who agreed to participate. Without these willing people our project would have failed and we would have never of got the chance to meet new people and learn about their country. It was fun to get some of the responses that we got we had lots of laughs while doing this project. I think that was the highlight of the whole project was being able to laugh with people that we have never even met before. The people that we interviewed turned out to be much more willing to do the project then we ever imagined. For the people that did not want to be videotaped we wrote down what they said and decided that we would use the best ones to put in the empty spaces on our map to make it not look so plain. We chose the certain quotes we used because they were some of the funniest ones we had and we wanted to show the class that we did manage to have fun while doing our project. We got people that we didn’t even know to open up and show us their funny personalities. I enjoyed getting to know all the people that we meet and was very thankful that they were more than willing to help us out.

This project I believe was a success. It taught me many new things such as people aren’t as scary as they seem and if you just simply go up and start talking to someone you could make an instant friend. Even though we had a few mishaps we managed to turn this project into something more then we even imagined. I got to learn about other countries, ones in which I wish to travel to in the future. It was overall a great experience to go out and meet many people from other countries and find out why they chose to come. I have to admit my favorite part was finding out some of the best memories they have here so far it just came to show that people are making the best of WSU and enjoying the people around them. WSU is a great school and I love knowing that everyone that goes here is accepted for who they are and there is no judgment about where they come from.

Technology; good or bad for health?

As technology advances on a daily basis the health of children and adults keeps gets worse. Is there link between the two?  Well as I was researching I found that many articles think that there is a link between technology and health in today’s society. As any argument goes there are two sides to the story. There is the side where technology is affecting our health and is only harming us. Then there is the other side of the argument that shows us all the great that technology has done for this world and how it is and has actually helped in our lives especially in our health. I have found many articles that show both sides of this controversial issue.  People do not realize how much technology is influencing our everyday lives and the most important question is how is it affecting our health?  Well, I will use the material I found tell you both sides then I will leave it up to you to decide if technology is truly helping us or hurting us.

Technology affects everyone but the ones affected the most are the younger generations. These generations starting in the late 90’s had no chance at all. Technology was advancing and there was no stopping it.  The advancement of home computers was when the trouble began to get much worst. Kids were more likely to play a game on the computer then they would to go outside and play. This problem had a major effect on young kid’s social skills. Due to them not going out and socializing it made them become distant and less likely to interact with other kids at school. They are more likely to create online friends and chat with people that they do not even know. This is a major risk to take and does not help the kid in reality. Along with socializing home computer put a strain on how much children will respect authority. It is shown that children with home computer are less accepting of parental authority. If a child does not accept parental authority what is going to make them accept any type of authority?

“Children’s extended computer use may be linked to an increased risk of obesity, seizures, and hand injuries” (Greenfield, 2000,3). The use of the computer in your home environment is believed to be a factor in obesity in children. Technology has proven to help in children obesity problems such as diabetes. Technology has advanced to have insulin pumps which are designed to give a person with diabetes the right amount of insulin needed.  One of the main reasons for weight gain was from change of food culture but they are not thinking that it has less to do with that and more to do with technology. There was a research conducted by Lakdawalla and Philipson who works for the University of Chicago. They spent 18 months researching data collected from the national health interview survey and the national longitudinal surveys of youth.  In the end the implications made is that many people seem to respond positively to the idea that today’s society makes weight loss more expensive, in the sense that food is widely available and exercise hard to come by causing weight gain to rise. Computer are not the only technology that could lead to physical problems there is also game conceals such as the Nintendo. These games expose children to health risk, including seizures, hand injuries, change in heart rate and the child could get Nintendinitides, which is a sport injury characterized by severe pain in the extensor tendon of the right thumb.  Technology can be the leading factor to many physical problems but technology can be a good thing for cognitive skills in children.

Computer can be a big help to children that are in school. Getting on the internet is easy and getting help on the internet is just as easy. This could be a good and a bad thing. If a child does not understand something the internet can be used to help the kid understand and in could in all help the kid in school. There is a down side though because the internet can be used as a cheat sheet. If a kid is too lazy to read a book for class there is online summaries for just about every book out there. This is only hurting the kid in the long run and is making to where the kid is not learning anything and is just cruising by but it will be a big problem when a test comes around. Computer games are designed in ways that emphasize visual rather than verbal information processing. This could be good for science and technology fields but communication is a huge part of life. Without proper communication skills the kid does not have much chance advancing in the future.  Many video games can trick kids into perceiving the world in a different way than it really is. For example, violent video games make children not realize the different between the virtual reality and the actual reality causing them to act in ways that is not acceptable in reality.

Many violent crimes can be linked back to a child that had played violent video games in the past. Violent video games can increase children’s aggressive behavior in other situations. For example, the columbine massacre can be linked to violent video games. The shooters in the example were described as being obsessed with the violent video game Doom. In this game the goal is to try and get the most killings. One of the websites of the shooters was a customized version of the game that resembled the later shooting of the high school. Since the 1980s the US and British military have used violent video games for training to desensitize soldiers to the suffering of their targets and make them more willing to kill. The technology used to create violent video games is the leading cause to violent acts among children and young adults.

I will not highlight some of the good things that technology has done to help better health. There is new software that can be used for the IPhone or IPad it is called iSpO2. “iSpO2 is a consumer pulse oximeter that connects to most Apple i-devices and comes with a sensor that you slip on to your ring finger for immediate oxygen, pulse rate, and perfusion index readings” They have constructed a Brain Implant that has helped a women that was paralyzed to be able to move a robotic arm. A surgeon in Afghanistan got an award for top inventor from his invention that helps stop traumatic bleeding in seconds. There is a device that helps interrupt seizures. This is a very important device because a seizure can be deadly and with this device it helps reduce the severity or even stop the seizure all together. These are only a few of the many devices that have been developed to help in the health of people every day. Many of these devices could help save someone’s life and this type of technology should be more recognized. (

Technology is an endless road where is stops no one will probably ever know. Technology can be both bad and good for the health of people but which one over powers the other? When will we wake up and realize that technology is taking over everyday life? We use technology every day and half the time we do not even realize we are using it. For example, when you get into a game and skip going for a walk, or even just getting up, just to beat it. We you do this every day, maybe? Well I can honestly say I think that all of this technology in our life is hurting us more than helping. Yes, there are many ways that technology has helped up in everyday life but, does the good out do the bad? I would say no. Health problems in the world are increasing and most of which is obesity in young children and young adults. This is a controversial topic that I think will never go away. Technology is becoming more popular and people are starting to spend more time with electronics then they do exercising.  This is a major problem because people are becoming lazy and would rather sit at home and play video games then they would at getting out and going for a walk. Not getting out and going even for a little walk is making this world unhealthier.  When people are lazy they are more likely to be at risk for obesity. Obesity is not a good thing at all for a person’s health. At first it may not seem like a big problem but in the end it is not just being fat that happens, it also puts strains on your organs. The biggest problem with obesity is that it can lead to heart problems. Obesity could all in all lead to death. Technology has taken over many young kids lives with things such as Xbox and laptops. Young kids that do not have rules for electronics can sit there for countless hours just playing a game. This is very bad because not only is it taking time away from the kid to go out and play and get exercise but, it can have a major toll on a kid’s social life. From playing games on the Xbox or other game conceals kids do not learn how to interact with other children causing them to anti-social. Having an anti-social kid is not good this could lead to many problems as they get older. Technology has a plus side to it to. Technology is a huge part of the medical field. Medicine has improved dramatically due to the increase of technology and the area that is can cover. I am not saying that all technology is bad for people. All that I am saying is that for the most part technology in certain aspects in our lives is not a healthy thing. Having video games is good because it can help with hand eye coordination but it needs to be limited. It is also a bad thing because of the violence that is in many games can lead to increased aggression in children. Without limits on how much time you spend in front of the TV or computer screen time can get away from you and what you think is an hour could in all be a whole day.

The whole point of this research paper is to not only show you all the bad that technology has caused but also all the good it has brought. Just because I believe that the good doesn’t not out weight the bad doesn’t mean you can’t. Technology is a huge part of life and just because one person thinks that there is much more bad out of it then good doesn’t mean that it is all bad, I know that there are many different devices that are good for health that are considered technology. From cells phones to top of the line medical equipment. From physical problems to social problems technology has a huge effect on young children we do not need any more massacres that can be linked to video games, Technology needs a wakeup call and the people using it need to figure out how to use it for the good not to have it linked to problems. From cellphones that help monitor a person’s heart beat to a brain implant that help a women that never thought she would ever be able to hold anything again use a mechanical arm to move again.  We need more good in this world and technology could just be the start of this.  So now comes the part where your opini0n matters. Is technology good or bad for the world’s health? Or does the good just fix all the bad in the world of technology?

Technology and Health

Greenfield, Patricia M., Gross, Eisheva F., Kraut, Robert E. and Subrahmanyam, Kaverl. “The impact of home computer use on children’s activities and development.” Children and Technology Vol. 10 No. 2 (2000). 

This article argues both sides of the effect computers have on children’s development. On one side it talks about the cons of having home computers. These include; the effects on physical well-being, displacement of other activities, and effects on social development and relationships. The main physical problems are risk of obesity, seizures, and hand injuries. When a child is playing games on a computer they tend to put off other activities  When a child puts off other actives they are putting off the exercise they need to grow big and strong. the last main con of home computers is that children that play a lot of online games they lack social lives and are not very good at relation ships. One of the Major things that home computer or any games can cause is aggression. There are not as many pros but one is the effects on cognitive skills and academic performance. Studies indicate that children who play computer games can improve their visual intelligence skills- skills that may provide them with “training wheels” for computer literacy. This can relate to my topic because technology has many cons to it but they also have pros to go along with it.


Brown, Damon. “study explores link between obesity, technolog” Journal of the american dietetic associaton. pg. 817. doi: 10.1053/jada.2003.50185

This study explores and digs into the link between obesity and technology. The theory is that it was thought that one of the main reason for weight gain was from change of food culture but they are not thinking that it has less to do with that and more to do with technology. The research that was conducted by Lakdawalla and philipson who works for the university of Chicago. The spent 18 months researching data collected from the national health interview survey and the national longitudinal survey’s of youth.  in the end the implications made is that many people seem to respond positively to the idea that today’s society makes weight loss more expensive, in the sense that food is widely available and exercise hard to come by.  This relates to my topic because it is showing that people turn to the easy thing to get rather then try to work for what they want.


Hiller, Amy. “childhood overweight and the built envornment: making technology part of the solution rather than part of the problem” ANNALS, AAPSS, 615, January 2008. doi: 10.1177/0002716207308399

This article shows me how technology can be a solution rather than a problem to the world. It does this by having technology help us and measure our activities and uses. Researches have produced many devices that can help us in living day today. for example, there is a part about having technology that can measure our physical activity. I think if people realized what technology is doing to them they would make a change for the better and use the technology that has been made to help not make things worst.  There are anything that you can do like there are ways to measure your cell phone use and these could help in reducing the amount of time in a day spent texting. This article will help the opposing argument I am trying to make but it just shows that we can change our ways if we put the time and effort into it.

Keeping to my Argument

Where is the point when we wake up and realize that technology is taking over everyday life? We use technology everyday and half the time do not even realize we are using it. When you get into a game and skip going for a walk, or even just getting up, just to beat it is that going to far? When you do this everyday maybe? Well I can honestly say I think that all of this technology in our life is hurting us more then helping. Yes, there are many ways that technology has helped up in everyday life but, does the good out do the bad? I would say no. Health problems in the world are increasing and most of which is obesity in young children and young adults. This is a controversial topic that I think will never go away. Technology is becoming more popular and people are starting to spend more time with electronics then they do exercising.  This is a major problem because people are becoming lazy and would rather sit at home and play video games then they would at getting out and going for a walk. Not getting out and going even for a little walk is making this world even more unhealthy.  When people are lazy they are more likely to be at risk for obesity. Obesity is not a good thing at all for a persons health. At first it may b=not seem like a big problem but in the end it is not just being fat that happens it also puts strains on your organs. The biggest problem with obesity is that it can lead to heart problems. Obesity could all in all lead to death. Technology has taken over many young kids lives with things such as Xbox and laptops. Young kids that do not have rules for electronics can sit there for countless hours just playing a game. This is very bad because not only is it taking time away from the kid to go out and play and get exercise but, it can have a major toll on a kids social life. From playing games on the Xbox or other game conceals kids  do not learn how to interact with other children causing them to anti social. Having an anti social kid is not good this could lead to many problems as they get older. Technology has a plus side to it to. Technology is a huge part of the medical field. Medicine has improved dramatically due to the increase of technology and the area that is can cover. I am not saying that all technology is bad for people. All that I am saying is that for the most part technology in certain aspects in our lives is not a healthy thing. Having video games is good  cause it can help with hand eye coordination but it needs to be limited. With out limits on how much time you spend in front of the TV or computer screen time can get away from you and what you think is an hour could in all be a whole day.

Primary Research

Interviews, surveys, observations, and analysis these are all types of primary research. In my ted talk about how technology is making people lazy which in turn is making people obese. I would have to go with observations if I had to choose a primary research. I would chose this one because most people when given a survey that asked how many hours spent on electronics would probably lie. This also goes for interviews, I have learned that even when face to face with a person people are still willing to lie. I could along with observation use analysis because that involves collecting data and finding connections between two things. By observing the people around us and their everyday actions can tell us a lot about how technology influences their day. We can also observe how much the obesity rate has rose simply by just looking out your window and looking at people that pass by.  But to make this even better we could look at facts by analysis. We can collect data from the past 10 years on obesity and how technology has changed and we can compare these two things side by side. I think that surveys and interviews would not work at all for this research just due to that fact that people are willing to lie in any circumstance and the only way to catch the true nature of people is by them not even knowing they are being observed or researched. This is what I think about primary researches and what kind I would do for my topic.