Mob on.

On Friday, we embarked upon a mission to create. We were given minimal guidelines and full reign to go wherever our minds take us. For me, this is a blessing. All too often I feel constrained by the ropes tethering me down on an assignment. I shift my thinking and go more for the left-brained approach in the hopes of receiving the highest marks. I am genuinely excited to be able to expand my creativity and work into the classroom one of my passions, video productions.

From the first day of class when we were introduced to Ze Frank’s blog, I knew that when we created our own project I wanted produce to short film. I do not claim to be excellent by any means, however I love making something from nothing and being able to watch an end product. I approached my group and immediately shared my enthusiasm for video productions. They welcomed my passion with open arms as we walked to a new location to brainstorm.

Before we were even sitting in high-top chairs at the Clough Commons, I could feel the brain juice pumping. It was awesome to be in a new environment. The feng shui of the collaboration room was perfect. Almost right away Christine jumped in with an excellent idea to make a documentary of the North Avenue dinning hall for our project. It was perfect. The North Avenue dinning hall is a melting pot for people, ideas and cultures. We are currently leaning towards doing a 24-hours in the North Avenue dinning hall sort of theme. We will ask the employees how they feel about the dinning hall. Do they like their job? Are the students pleasant? We will also interview the students and see how they feel not only about the food but how/if the dinning hall has shaped their experience at Tech this year. North Ave is the new, cool, hip place on campus. People are naturally attracted to it. We are going to find out more.