Anybody Can Help Somebody

Have you ever been in a bad situation or in hard times? If so then you know how much it means to have someone help you without even being asked. I have been on both sides. I know how good it feels to be helped and how good it feels to help someone.

While reading the chapter titled Empathy in Daniel Pink’s A Whole New Mind I came across an activity called volunteer. The last paragraph of the activity description states:

“Seeing another Human in distress—and thinking, “there but for the grace of God go I”—will hone you powers of empathy. But that’s not the reason to do this, of course. It’s an ancillary benefit of something more valuable: helping another human being.”

When I think of volunteering, I think of anytime a person gives up any of their time in order to help someone else in need or, as said in the book, someone in distress. As a part of the Volunteer activity I would like to share two stories. One of when someone volunteered their time to help me and another when I volunteered my time to help someone.

Story 1- Someone helped me.

I was visiting the cemetery where my grandfather is buried. The site where he is buried is not really in a well traveled area as it is located on a dirt road kind of in the middle of nowhere. Long story short, I attempted to turn my truck around on what I thought was solid dry ground. This resulted in me with truck stuck in the mud with no one around and dark quickly approaching. I heard someone coming down the road (luckily) and went to the road to wave them down. I told the very nice gentleman the problem I had and he without hesitation told me that he would be back with his truck to get me unstuck. Ten minutes later I was unstuck and much happier. I offered to give him some money for his efforts and he replied that God had blessed me today and that I could return the favor by helping next time I saw someone in need.

Story 2- I helped someone

About a half a year after story one I got a significant opportunity to help someone. The gist of this story is I gave a guy with a dead car battery a jump.

Story 2 isn’t quite as cool as story 1 but it helped me understand how good it is to help people in need. Story 1 definitely made me a believer in helping people in need because you never know when you will be the one in need.

Whenever I see someone in “distress” I now try to help them as best I can because it’s a great thing to do. It will brighten your days and especially theirs.

Measure Your Happiness with the 20-10 Test

Recently in class we discussed happiness. What creates it and can it be measured were two things we kept coming back to. While I don’t think it would ever be possible to measure happiness with units like we measure other things like length I do think we can measure it another way. The way we do this is simple. Either we are happy or we are not happy. None of that kinda happy nonsense because if you are only kinda happy then you are not happy about something.

While reading Daniel Pink’s A Whole New Mind I read of way that I thought was good for measuring happiness. It is called the 20-10 Test. Here is how it works. Ask yourself whether you would keep doing (mostly talking about your job but I used it to a broader meaning) what you are doing now if you had $20 million in the bank or knew they had only ten years to live. Would you spend your days the way you do now if you had $20 million? Would you keep your same job if you only had ten years to live?

 The idea is if you would change a lot then maybe you should be doing something different then what you are currently doing. If you would change much then I am willing to bet you are happy.

In using the 20-10 test for myself I believe I am currently on the right track. I am currently a freshman at Georgia Tech and if I had $20 million or if I only had ten years to live then I would still be here. Since I value having a college education (preferably from Georgia Tech) I would still be here earning my degree in mechanical engineering.

As for the other more social part of my life I would still pursue the same hobbies that I do now. The only thing that would change would be the amount of money I spend on my hobbies which the $20 million would allow for.

Judging by my response to this test I would say that I am happy with my life right now.

Take some time to think about this yourself and see if you need to make a change in direction.

Every Time I Look Around

When you are out and about in the world of today what do you think when you see people. Do you ignore them? Do you speak to them? Do you know them?

In Daniel Pink’s A Whole New Mind there is an activity titled “Ask Yourself: Who Are These People”. The whole idea is to make up a story for some random people you see while sitting somewhere like an airport, mall, or event.

I decided to sit in the student center here on campus at Georgia Tech. Of course this place gets a lot of traffic so I had plenty of people to make stories for.

Here is an example of a story I made for two guys I saw walking together.

There are two upperclassman walking to their next class. Not only are they classmates but they are friends.  They just got done doing last minute studying for this class.

It is pretty easy to make a story after only hearing a few words of someone’s conversation.

Research, Research, and More Research

What  did you do when you were trying to decide what school to go to? What do you do when you are picking a car? What do you do when you are picking a place to live?

The answer to all of these questions is research.  You do research to get the best outcome possible and make the best choice possible.

Keeping this in mind I chose to do research when I was given the option to pick my own assignment for my english class. We were already discussing our future plans so since I am not completey decided on what I want to do I decided to research each of my possible career paths to clarify the pros and cons of each.

Making such an important decision such as what I want to do for the rest of my life requires very extensive research. I think everyone should do the same before they commit to a certain career.

People in Engineering

Below I have listed a few people who are or were very influential in their industry. I picked these people because they all did something that appealed to me.

Frank Whittle – his designs produced the world’s first jet engine during the 1930′s, with the first flights taking place at the end of the Second World War. This led to him being known as “the father of jet propulsion”.

Bill Nye – scientist, engineer, comedian, author, and inventor, is a man with a mission: to help foster a scientifically literate society, to help people everywhere understand and appreciate the science that makes our world work. Making science entertaining and accessible is something Bill has been working at for a long time. Bill’s fascination with how things work led him to Cornell University and a degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Calvin Mackie - A lifelong resident of New Orleans, Calvin Mackie graduated from high school barely able to read and with SAT scores requiring him to undertake special remedial classes before he was admitted to Morehouse College. He completed his degree in Mathematics, graduating Magna Cum Laude and as a member of the prestigious Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society. He was simultaneously awarded a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Tech, where he later earned his Ph.D.

Mackie continues in his role as Managing Partner of Channel ZerO Group LLC, an educational and motivational consulting company he co-founded in 1992.

While the last person does not have an engineering degree he is an engineer and does things just like any engineer would.

Ronnie Barrett – is an American firearms manufacturer, the founder of Barrett Firearms Manufacturing, and the designer of the first .50 caliber rifle for civilian use.

Barrett was born in Murfreesboro, Tennessee in 1954, and graduated from Murfreesboro Central High School. He started his career in 1972 as a professional photographer. In 1982, while he owned a photography studio, he got his initial inspiration to create what would become the Barrett signature product. On January 1, 1982, when Barrett was photographing a river patrol gunboat on the Stones River near Nashville, Tennessee, he created an award-winning picture that made him start thinking about the .50 caliber cartridge because of two Browning machineguns mounted prominently on that boat.

Since no commercially available .50 caliber rifle existed at that time, he decided to make a semi-automatic weapon. With no background in manufacturing or engineering, Barrett sketched a cross-sectioned, full-size rifle, adding different components to it.


Bill Nye extended bio which really surprised me.

William Sanford Nye (born November 27, 1955 in Washington, D.C.) also known as “Bill Nye the Science Guy,” is an American comedian, television host, science educator and mechanical engineer. Nye began his career at Boeing where, among other things, he starred in training films and developed a hydraulic pressure resonance suppressor still used in the Boeing 747. Later, he worked as a consultant and in the aeronautics industry. Nye was also a member and fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry.William Sanford Nye (born November 27, 1955 in Washington, D.C.) also known as “Bill Nye the Science Guy,” is an American comedian, television host, science educator and mechanical engineer. Nye began his career at Boeing where, among other things, he starred in training films and developed a hydraulic pressure resonance suppressor still used in the Boeing 747. Later, he worked as a consultant and in the aeronautics industry. Nye was also a member and fellow of the Committee for Skeptical InquiryWilliam Sanford Nye (born November 27, 1955 in Washington, D.C.) also known as “Bill Nye the Science Guy,” is an American comedian, television host, science educator and mechanical engineer. Nye began his career at Boeing where, among other things, he starred in training films and developed a hydraulic pressure resonance suppressor still used in the Boeing 747. Later, he worked as a consultant and in the aeronautics industry. Nye was also a member and fellow of the Committee for Skeptical InquiryWilliam Sanford Nye (born November 27, 1955 in Washington, D.C.) also known as “Bill Nye the Science Guy,” is an American comedian, television host, science educator and mechanical engineer. Nye began his career at Boeing where, among other things, he starred in training films and developed a hydraulic pressure resonance suppressor still used in the Boeing 747. Later, he worked as a consultant and in the aeronautics industry. Nye was also a member and fellow of the Committee for Skeptical InquiryWilliam Sanford Nye (born November 27, 1955 in Washington, D.C.) also known as “Bill Nye the Science Guy,” is an American comedian, television host, science educator and mechanical engineer. Nye began his career at Boeing where, among other things, he starred in training films and developed a hydraulic pressure resonance suppressor still used in the Boeing 747. Later, he worked as a consultant and in the aeronautics industry. Nye was also a member and fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry

My Career Future

 In my future life after Georgia Tech my main goal is to be happy with my life. In order to be happy with my life I think it is important I be happy with my job and make enough money to provide for my family all the luxuries of life which would also make me happy.

I am currently majoring in mechanical engineering and have many ideas for jobs that I believe I would be happy doing. I enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, hunting, shooting, rocketry and building things. Pretty much anything outdoors I am willing to try. I also take great pride in my country and our military. A job where I could help our military would be great and would really allow me to see how the products I am creating are helping others.


Above: just a few pictures of me and my interests. Hiking on left. Rocketry on right.

Keeping my interest in mind I am currently interested in the following industries: defense industry (maybe missile defense or defense in general), construction/design industry, or the gun manufacturing and design industry.

I can’t be any more specific than that right now because I am not sure which industry I am going to jump into. I do know that in these industries I would accomplish my goal of being happy able to provide for my family.

Andrew Young- Celebrate and Appreciate Diversity

I was sitting in the Robert Ferst Center for the Arts listening to Ambassador Andrew Young speak to the faculty, staff, and students of Georgia Tech when I heard an amazing idea. Ambassador Young was discussing diversity after being asked if he felt that the struggle that African Americans went through during the civil rights movement could be related to Hispanics and Arab people today. He stated that they were different because they have not had actual laws against them like African Americans did. He did say however they could be related by how others feel uncomfortable around these minorities or how one group may feel like the other doesn’t belong somewhere.

Ambassador Young then told us how diversity should be approached. This is when I heard something great. He said, “Celebrate and appreciate diversity.” If diversity was approached like this all the time the whole world would be an amazing place with a lot less problems.

All to often people, including myself, are too quick to judge others by appearance, beliefs, and many other things. People miss out daily on amazing opportunities because they are too busy judging others.

I challenge you to celebrate and appreciate diversity. Next time you see someone different from you that you usually wouldn’t talk to take the time to talk to them. It might make their day. It may even make your day.

The Creative Process Through Our Eyes

Ever wondered what it is like to come up with one amazing product from nothing?  Ever wonder how hard it is to gain the help of strangers around the globe?

While working on our group project we experienced this. We were challenged with taking four completely random objects and making something from them. Our objects were a wallet, two birds, a necklace, and a gourd.

We began with the idea of getting people to write a short story using only the objects for inspiration. Using this method we got a few stories that were very interesting. We were experiencing a lot of difficulty getting people to take the time to write a whole story. We expressed this when presenting our project to the class and one of our classmates gave us a great idea.

  • Staebell, James Matthew (Sep 16, 2011 12:17 PM EDT) I agree with Lydia, it seems like most people would want to write a whole story. Maybe they could make each person write one or two lines that way people are contributing to one big story.

After discussing this idea in our next group meeting we decided that it would be a good idea to have more people collaborate to make one story. We then created a sentence game. The sentence game followed the same guidelines as the stories we previously had people write but this time each person only added a sentence. We began the story by adding the first line and then we posted it on a forum hoping to get an elaborate story with contribution from many different people. That failed. We received close to 50 views but only 1 person added to the story.

We decided we needed a new approach. We decided to put the story on a google doc so a link could be posted in many different places and everyone would be adding to the same story. To ensure we received adequate attention we then posted the link along with an explanation on blogs and on a few different places in Facebook, sent a mass email, and even made a Youtube video to advertise our story.

The story got a lot more hits and people were actually adding to our story. During one of our meetings we actually watched our story grow before our eyes. It didn’t take long for us to have a complete story.

Going Back in Time

In the “Play” chapter of A Whole New Mind, Daniel Pink discusses the idea that laughing and having fun leads to more right brain thinking. He tells of  laughter clubs and says the same thing should exist in the workplace. The idea  is that one for people to laugh more is to have fun and laugh. Everyone loves to laugh as makes them feel good and usually means they are happy. Pink says that people work better this way and I completely agree with him. People are more dedicated to their work and produce better work when the are happy.

One of the activities at the end of the chapter was to “Go Back to School.” Rather than actually go back to school it suggests you go to a school playground and watch the kids play and be happy (not in a creeperish way). I decided to try this activity but I just thought about it in my head rather than actually go to a school playground (I don’t know where to find one of those in this city that is a new world to me). In thinking about kids playing and having fun the one thing that came to me was that they must be happy and laughing for a reason. The reason I believe is because they don’t have a worry in the world besides what the next game to play is. They have no stress. That is what I believe everyone needs at some point everyday, a stress free time. Enjoying a stress free time, rather it be laughing or something else, is what we all need to be the most productive and creative.

Linked From Here toThere

Upon reading the Symphonies portion of Daniel Pink’s A Whole New Mind, I came to an activity titled Follow the Links. The goal of this activity was to play your own version of six degrees of seperation. What you do is choose a topic that you find interesting and type it in a search engine. You then pick a website that looks interesting. From there you read some and then follow a link from the website to something else and read more then follow another link and keep repeating. At the end you reflect on the topic you started with and review the site that the links led you to.

To begin the activity I googled Tri-State Water Wars. From there I picked the second webiste which was This website had lots of valuabe information about the dispute over water rights in Georgia, Alabama, and Florida. This dispute has been going on for two decades which really suprised me. It was very interesting read to different states reasons for wanting the water. While their reasons were different they all led back to one thing which was money. I then clicked on the our partners tab which led me to my next site.


Picture of a waterway in Alabama. Taken by Kyle Speight


The next site I visited was This is the website for the Alabama Rivers Alliance. This was interesting to me because I didn’t know this group existed. After browsing around on that page for a while I found a link to yet another website.

I continued onto another Alabama site. This time it was This is the website for the Alabama department of environmental management. This site had many different articles about the various environmental issues or topics in the state of Alabama. The one I found most interesting was an article about tires. Yes, I did find an article about  tires interesting. The article was about the 1 million pounds of scrap tires cleaned up from a site in Alabama where many of the tires had been dumped illegally. I was amazed that many tires could be in one place, especially where they were not supposed to be. The main point of the article was the tires were removed to be recycled and it made the environment better at that location.

So as you see I went from water wars to tires in just a few clicks. These topics are actually closely related as they both deal with the environment but when someone thinks about water, tires usually isn’t going to be their next thought. This demonstrates how much everything is connected.