After watching Jane McGonigal’s video on gaming, I did not have any better thoughts on it. I was expecting the video to tell me about how gaming isn’t so bad, but instead McGonigal talked about how gaming can “save the world.” I completely disagree. Sitting on your butt all day playing games is not going to solve anything. Okay so you’re really good at pressing buttons on your computer, but what is that going to do? Nothing. She says that we’re more collaborative if we play games, and that might be true. But if people are spending their days interacting with others on the internet, they will not be able to collaborate with others in a normal setting. They will be to used to communicating through the game that they won’t learn social skills outside of the computer.
McGonigal also said that the average person spends 10,000 hours on games by the time they are 21, and that a person spends 10,080 hours going to school from 5th grade through high school. We should not be spending the same amount of time on gaming as schooling. I am a huge supporter of education, so I feel like thatg is the top priority. McGonigal makes it seem that school and gaming are similar priorities. They are definitely not. By spending more time on gaming than school, we are not going to be solving these real-world problems she is talking about. All we’re going to be doing is making the world dumber. Going to school will solve these problems, not sitting in front of a computer screen all day.
I realize that this whole post is bashing the video, so I feel like I should say something positive about it. I loved the fact that she talked about the Kingdom of Lydia. Mostly because my name is Lydia, so it was super cool to me to hear about an ancient kingdom that shares the same name. I also liked that her talking about how the Lydians survived showed something good about gaming. Even though I am not abig supporter of gaming, I realize that people like different things. If people love to game, that’s totally cool with me, but I feel like they should also be interacting with the world, instead of just playing games all day.
Photo from clip art