Five Lines of Awesomeness

Dan Pink suggested that drawing helps open our eyes to relationships.  He proposed that we draw a self-portrait of ourselves using only five lines.

My drawing consists of:
two eyes
a nose
a smile
a head

I decided to draw a nose instead of hair because I felt like a nose was a more distinctive feature than hair.  I drew my eyes vertical because I wanted to express a sense of tallness in my picture.  I am a tall guy, and it is hard to show that with just a face.   By doing this exercise I am able to see how these simple lines form together to resemble my face.

My overall opinion of this is that while it was fun drawing yourself with only a few lines, I didn’t feel as if it helped me use my right side of my brain that much.  It was creative because you had to improvise with only a few lines, but it only lasted a couple of minutes.  It wasn’t an exercise that really pushed our creativity to the limits.

Invention Movie

On Friday, our group decided to do a music video for our invention mob project.  When we looked at our objects that we brought in, we didn’t see a connection.  We had a song, a pair of sunglasses, a paper ninja star and a paper airplane.  The sunglasses reminded us of the life of a celebrity and with a song already created we just thought music video.  The two paper objects though were a bit more of a challenge to incorporate.  We considered using each of the objects in the video, but then we thought that would be random and confusing to the viewer.  We eventually took a different path and decided that we could do the majority of our video on paper.  We decided that we could film a piece of paper and have each of us drawing in a corner until we hit the center of the paper with a written common theme.

The song is a slow paced, softly spoken song that revolves around the main idea “where did you go.”  We decided to use this and open up the video with a guy being dumped by his girlfriend.  Saddened by this tragic event, he returns to his room and starts drawing on paper.  We then proceed to the main theme being written in the center and flashing to each corner with meaningful drawings.