A play on words or a word on “Play”?

I did a theatrical performance about puns,

Really it was just a play on words.

Such an invigorating, playful joke. This pun/ joke or whatever you may call it provides a sense of humor that has been long lost in our society.

This simple play on words, otherwise known as a pun, provides humor in many ways. It is funny through the irony in the phrase, yet it also allows for deeper thought. You must use your imaginative side of the brain to fully understand the humor.

If you think about the creation of this joke, the use of the word play has two possible meanings. If you think of the joke in a logical, left-brained manner, the phrase “play on words” simply refers to a theatrical performance regarding words, but if you expand your mind and enter the realm of creation, the right-side of the brain, you can infer that the phrase “play on words” actually is the definition of a pun itself. This is a very in-depth analysis of the joke that the human brain automatically sees when the joke is read.

Thus, you can see how creativity in the human mind is actually what makes this joke funny. In a logical sense, this joke would be stupid and make no one laugh. In a creative, open-minded fashion this joke provides true humor and laughter.

I know I think this joke is funny. But, if you don’t think it’s funny I’ll just call you a closed-minded, left-brained, no sense of humor, boring person.

A joke’s a joke. Enjoy its sense of humor. Be creative. Be open. Laugh.

After all, just as Daniel Pink claims, laughter can truly make you feel better in life.


Do you hate the stereotype that Tech is full of a bunch of robot people with no sense of creativity?

Are you creative or talented in some way?

Help my group and I prove that Georgia Tech is a truly creative school and deserves more credit than it is given. Post pictures of yourselves doing something talented or creative! We will compile these pictures into something bigger and better to finally show everyone that Tech is full of creative minds.

Your pictures can be anything you can think of. It could simply be a piece of artwork you have created, or it could be something abstract and crazy. Anything works!

Help us prove Tech is creative! It will only take a few minutes of your time.

Just post your pictures, and we will do the rest. Can’t wait to reveal the final product.

Ideas flowing through sound…

As Mozart’s Symphony no. 35 “Haffner Symphony” began to ring into my ears, I immediately felt a sense of connection. I could almost see these electric lights of music flowing together with one another. All moving and interacting as one whole. Each sound doing its own individual thing yet still compiling together to create one whole flowing sound. Mozart truly creates a visual image of music for the listener.

As his music flowed into my ears, I could feel my creative juices flowing. Daniel Pink’s idea to listen to symphonies truly works. The symphonies bring a sense of creativity that I have never felt before. I never knew that music could open up my mind so much. I feel like if I listened to a symphony or possibly any music for that matter why creating a piece of artwork or doing something creative that it would influence my work greatly. The type of music I was listening to could possibly also have an effect. I feel as if the music helps my ideas flow better and helps me see the “big picture”.

Here is a little Mozart to help get your creative juices flowing…

And the brainstorming begins…

On friday, my group and I began to throw out ideas of what to do for our Invention Mob project.

We sat in a medium sized room with clear glass walls. This made the medium sized room feel open and very spacious. As we thought, I could feel the ideas bouncing off the glass walls. Each one of us had a different idea of what we could do for the project. Ideas flying around within those glass walls ranged from skits and movies to portraits and models.

Eventually one idea seemed to light up the lightbulb in the room. As soon as the idea to create an image of a brain using images of other people’s creativity came up, theres was a sense of relief within the room. Everyone knew that this was the right way to go. Now, the medium sized room with glass walls housed this idea of ours, an idea that we now need to expand into a product, something tangible.

The four of us sat there, each wondering how to bring this idea to life. We began drawing it on the whiteboard. Suddenly, the whiteboard became a very real image of what this idea could be. It was like a sketchpad for our thoughts regarding this idea. We eventually settled on creating this brain in a manner in which the right and left halves would be distinctly separate.

Our idea has been born. Now we must develop it…