Seriously Funny



Kevin Hart’s reputation in the comedy industry exploded with this popular stand up act that has America laughing from coast to coast. What makes Kevin Hart stand out from all the rest? Here’s a video that’s a personal favorite of mine of Kevin Hart’s Seriously Funny:

Funny huh? This is only just 3 minutes of a whole 60 minutes of laughing. What makes his jokes so funny? They relates to the audience. Kevin Hart is good at using everyday examples that the common person will go through their daily boring lives and then turning it around into laughs and giggles. Jokes are more credible when its relatable to the audience.

His timing is also perfect. Kevin knows the perfect balance between dialogue and filling out roles. Following every few seconds of jokes and story telling, Hart ices the cake by acting out what he just explained. This visual demonstration is hilariously convincing because Kevin Hart is incredibly amazing at filling out any role. His facial expressions, change in tone, and body language all mold into his Grandpa and creates an illusion for the audience to laugh at.

Kevin Hart? Seriously Funny….

Orchestrated Nonsense

Daniel Pink’s A Whole New Mind proposes a new way of thinking: rather than analyze, synchronize! Symphony is the ability to see come across two unrelated objects, pictures, or songs and being able to connect them and compromise their differences in order to create on big idea. So I decided to try it out myself and I chose “Follow the Links.” With recent news about the natural disaster hurricane Irene, I began my journey by Googling natural disasters which brought me to my first site, Natural Geographics. From there I went to avalanches, energy landscaping, Amory Lovin’s Reinventing Fire on Amazon, Amazon’s “Today’s Deals”, Christmas caroling, and lastly the Odyssey. After thinking about what I could possibly connect between these 6 random topics, I realized that perhaps an avalanche relates to natural disasters which was evident in Homer’s The Odyssey, and along with this were the Sirens on the rock who lured foreign travelers with their irresistible voices, which could perhaps connect to Christmas caroling. Not exactly of course, but somehow I managed to connect these small things to one another and this is the idea of symphony.

Where Are You From?

On Friday September 2nd, Haley, Sam, Hannah, and I began our InventionMobs by introducing ourselves and figuring out our what our expertise were and what our negatives were. Interesting enough we each had a variety of traits to invest into this project. Hannah is talented at weaving, while Sam has experience in programming games, and Haley is very physically active in TaeKwonDo. After learning where each member of the group came from and some of our interests, we decided to move on next to what form our project wants to mold into. We have options ranging from pictured videos to clay animation and even to a computer game. With the short amount of time given, our ideas didn’t have enough room to fully flourish so our group decided to schedule proper meeting times throughout the week outside of class time. We also created a Facebook group page “AWESOME ENGLISH GROUP” so each of us can instantly post up any new ideas at any given time that way we can stay connected and that this project won’t be restricted to only the given class times.