Volunteer in disaster

I had an opportunity to volunteer during the earthquake area after Wenchuan earthquake happened. I did not participate in psychological assistance, but I saw many people lose their parents or children. I saw people who were under severe psychological harm. They couldn’t forget the moment that the world collapsed in front of them. What I saw was that they still could not recover from losing their relatives.

During the volunteer process, I saw how close death was. I was deeply touched when I saw a girl who kept calm, and continued to save other people’s lives, even after  her parents  died. At that time, I thought what would it look like if to lose my parent. I felt really sad, and I knew that it would be a nightmare for me to face it. So I knew the pain this girl was going through, and how strong of a heart this young girl had.

After stay several days in this area, indeed, I could feel that I was not a person who was just using  knowledge to help people. I was not outside this disaster, instead, I felt like I had also experienced this disaster with those injured people. I knew it would be tough to go through the subsequent period, but the people had move on because they knew life would keep moving forward. So I tried my best, to do whatever I could to help them. I believe everyone in that area, the volunteers and the victims, had the same goals and emotions.

The people of China, and all those who came to help did not have sympathy, we had empathy. We all experienced the same pain as everyone else did, and we tried to overcome this pain together.

Two women I will dedicate

If I were to choose only two women who have had the most influence on me in my life, I would have to choose my mother, and Justine Henin, one of the most famous tennis players in the world and who’s long-lasting career ended only last year.

Like other mothers,  my mom loves me no matter how much I change throughout the years. She  always supports and trusts me regardless of what situation I am in.

But in many ways she differs greatly from the rest. She is my best friend and also the best teacher.  She taught me how to think about  problems I met during learning. Unlike my peers, I rarely shared my secrets or my deepest feelings to my friends at school. Instead, I spoke to my mom. She always pointed me to the right direction, whether it be my study or my choices. Also, she enlightens me when I am sad, and makes me truly happy from my heart.

Even though right now we are on opposite  sides of earth , I am never afraid of anything, because I know I have my mom, a woman who will always  support me. If I ever create, invent, or achieve something valuable , I would definitely dedicate it to my mom.

Justine Henin,  totally changed my perception of the world. Even though she has retired, her spirit will accompany me my rest life.

Henin is only 1.66 m tall, and she is very thin. She lost her mother when she was 2, and she lost her step mother when she was 12. All of these tragedies made her a strong willed person, and lead her to a successful tennis career. When watching her games,I saw that she tried her best, and I could see her  desire for victory in her eyes. She loved her career, and devoted all her efforts to tennis. She is an “eternal fighter”, which greatly touched me. She let me know that one should never give up until the last try, and live today, not past or future.

Both my mother and Justine Henin mean a lot to me. My mother will always be there for me, and I am grateful for that.  Although I want to be an engineer, and Henin was a tennis player, she is still helped  me to know what kind of person I want to be.

Image courtesy of Justine Henin’ s official website

Unlocked doors

When I was little, I don’t know why, but I was afraid that a theif might come into my house in the night. So I was ‘the security guard’ in my home, I locked the door every night before I went to bed.

To me, this picture generates memories of my childhood, and  reminds me of another story.

A mother and daughter lived in a cabin in the small rural village. The girl’s mother was always afraid that the theif would come in the evening, so she always put three lock on the door. However the daughter was tired of the rural life. So one day early in the morning, the daughter ran away from home while her mother was sleeping. After ten years, the grown-up daughter returned to her hometown. When she came home late at night, she found the door was unlocked.

Why was the door not locked that day? The reason is because the mother did not want her daughter not to be able to enter when the daughter came back home, which means her mother had not locked the door for over 10 years.

Image courtesy of A Stylish Wooden House In The Alps


New thought when Facing disasters

Since this homework is about our own innovations, I thought of a communication system that has something to do with my major. My idea stemmed from Wenchuan earthquake, which is China’s most severe earthquake recent years. The earthquake led to tens of thousands of people dying. Subsequently, a large amount of people died because of the mal-communication.

This is the working principle of my mobile dirigible-born communication station.

Generally speaking, communications can be maintained in an area to another by wires or radio stations, powered by a large amount of electricity. But what if calamity happens such as earthquake or tsunami, and the  electric power might fail, and communication facilities could destroyed and the whole city or area could broken down? Therefore, inventing something that could not only move but also charge itself would be a good option. Here is my idea.

The mobile dirigible-born communication station may solve all these problems. First, the station which looks like airships that could stay in the height lower than the satellite’s height, so it would be hard to launch them in to the sky which can reduce the cost. Second, it can maintain the capability of large volume of communications and send back scenery information taking by video-camera, providing necessary information for direction command of rescue. The dirigible can stay on the air for 5 – 10 days as an important facility for mobile rescue.
This is just my imagination. There are still many technical problems in it, and need engineers to further design and test it.

Image courtesy of Yue Wen

Ordinary Engineer to Milestones

In school, physics classes always introduce Albert Einstein, Newton, Michael Faraday and so many other scientists who lay a solid foundation to nowadays technology . However, engineers are those people who apply these theories to develop solutions for practical problems. And usually real technical problems are solved by a company or a group of people. So when we were asked to say the names of famous engineers, it’s easy to say a device instead of a specific name. I think each engineer might make a contribution to his/her own field no matter how small or large, so I will start with ordinary engineer, and then move on to  2 famous electrical engineers.

My grandfather — people I know most in EE field

I probably should talk about a very famous scientist or engineer here, but in my opinion,  most things about them are just facts and history.  So, I am going to describe a person in the electrical engineering field from a very different perspective. My grandpa is not as famous as Dr.Qian Xuesen, but indeed he made some influential contribution to china’s Aerospace industry. He is a radar electronics expert worked in Academy of China Aerospace.
First, his biggest trait is that he always tries to pursue the real truth in scientific problems. In my dearest memory, he always sat in front of the desk and never ceased to read books and work on problems. Even though sometimes he could not work out my high school math and physics problems, he would think for a long time until he figured it out.
Second, my grandpa always looks young and keeps a fresh curiosity for anything new, although he is 80 years old now. He loves Hi-Fi, he likes to go to the electronics markets and assemble high quality audio power amplifiers at home. Also, although during his career, there wasnt computer programs like C, C++, java, etc. He started to learn programming after retiring; he always says he needs to keep up with nowadays technology. So young engineers still find him for help, because he is still an expert.

Apart from my grandfather, many other scientists have contributed to the world of electrical engineering. . The first thing comes into my head is a semiconductor, which was the most important invention in 20th century.

William Shockley—father of semiconductor

The development of electronic and computer technology is closely related with the development of micro-miniature of electronic components, especially the development of IC technology. William Shockley’s invention is known as a semiconductor, which helped to create a new industry, one that underlies all of modern electronics, from supercomputers to talking greeting cards. Today the world produces about as many transistors as printed characters in all the newspapers, books, magazines and computer and electronic-copier pages combined.

Shortly after the end of the war in 1945, Bell Labs formed a Solid State Physics Group, led by Shockley, some chemists and several technicians. Their assignment was to seek a solid-state alternative to fragile glass vacuum tube amplifiers. Its first attempts were based on Shockley’s ideas about using an external electrical field on a semiconductor to affect its conductivity.
It was Shockley who brought the silicon to Silicon Valley. This new company became the mother organization for several dozen new companies in Silicon Valley. Nearly all the scores of companies that are or have been active in semiconductor technology can trace the technical lineage of their founders back through Fairchild to the Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory. Unintentionally, Shockley contributed to one of the most spectacular and successful industry expansions in history.
Communication is a basic and important application of electronics. In the 19th century, people could only exchange information through wired telegraph by Morse Code. In 1895, Italian physicist Guylielmo Marconi carried on a successful radio communication experiment, and a trans-Atlantic radio communication in 1901. Since then radio application had been widely spread to different areas, along with the development electronic technology. Nowadays we can say people cannot survive without the radio, for electronic communication has been involved in every respect in every minute.

Nikola Tesla—important contributor to the birth of commercial electricity

Tesla was best known for his many revolutionary developments in the field of electromagnetism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Tesla’s patents and theoretical work formed the basis of modern alternating current (AC) electric power systems, including the polyphase system of electrical distribution and the AC motor. This work helped usher in the Second Industrial Revolution.
Because of his 1894 demonstration of wireless communication through radio and as the eventual victor in the “War of Currents”, he was widely respected as one of the greatest electrical engineers who worked in America. He pioneered modern electrical engineering and many of his discoveries were of groundbreaking importance. In the United States during this time, Tesla’s fame rivaled that of any other inventor or scientist in history or popular culture. Tesla demonstrated wireless energy transfer to power electronic devices as early as 1893, and aspired to intercontinental wireless transmission of industrial power in his unfinished Wardenclyffe Tower project.

First image taken by Yue Wen

Other images courtesy of en.wikipedia.org

From Aerospace to EE

I was born in a family dedicated to aerospace technology. My grandfather is an aerospace electronics expert and my parents are also aerospace researchers. So when I was a child, I could always hear the stories of space shuttle, Apollo aircrafts, and satellites told by my parents, and also I went to their experimental fields to see some machines. I was very curious on how those big machines created and worked. At that time, my goal is to be an aerospace engineer, who makes it possible to let people see what is in the space.

I enjoyed every process I did in realizing my dream. At first, I started making elastic powered aircrafts and the motor-driven helicopters. Though making process was not as easy as I read in the book, I felt the happiness of making things by myself. Later, I made real rockets, and I was very happy and proud when I lit the fuse of my rocket on the playground and watched it flying more than twenty meters high. Even though mine was not rockets with two or three levels, or with a big controller, those things introduced me more and strengthened my goal.

So why in university would I choose Electrical Engineering as my major instead of Aerospace Engineering?
I did something related to electronics in high school, which changed my decision. With my increasing knowledge in physics, I begin to do more hands-on practices using electronics. My grandfather and I once designed a circuit and assembled a high quality audio power amplifier which can be used to a mechanism structure. Later, I made an ultra-sonic distance measuring device which would be applied on a great sensor on airplane or speedboat. In this process, I gradually understand how important knowledge in EE is in whatever engineering programs.

EE indeed plays a very important role in aerospace engineering, even though the later one is mainly concerned with the design, construction of aircraft and spacecraft. When we design an aircraft, we have need to set different sensors on it, which could give us a bunch of data of what the altitude is stays, what velocity it is at, etc. In all the sensors and controllers even the data analysis, we need control systems and signal processing which are all made of integrated circuits. During the flight, we also need telecommunications to communicate, which is one field in EE, too.

Hence, I choose EE as my major, but I believe I will contribute my real career time to aerospace field. In the process of pursuing professional knowledge, I am not sure what will happen and what I will do, but finally, I am sure that I will go back to China and work on exploration to the outer space. When that time comes, I could realize what I had dreamed about when I was little.

Image courtesy of elec-intro.com & chem.hawaii.edu

Still untitled

Since no one in our group has ever talked about the details of our invention mob, I will write some important process in the whole activity which we did not say on the class. Although to create a collaborative art is a simple idea, still, it needs us to do a lot of work. Last Tuesday, we set up our creating site on the way to the student center where many students will walk around.

At first, I thought we could finish it quickly, since people should be interested in our big white canvas and pieces of shapes lied on the big stone. But in fact, it’s hard to call people to participate, cause student are not willing to spend their precious time while they were heading to the class, even though we provided them cookies. Most of time, they thought we want to sell them things. Later, I find one thing that, as long as I call more people to stand in front of our site, the more passer-byers would come and join us. So I tried to ask students who came in two or three to help us finish the canvas. Once a while, our project got more smoothly.

About the contents in the canvas, we cannot say what the whole picture looks like, Sheng said it looks like a tiger, but my roommate said it looks like a face. After looking the video we took, I can say every student who participated in our project tried to connect all the sheets already in the canvas made by the people pasted before. But everyone has their own perspective, so the canvas derived from making sense to not making sense. One reason for this is that maybe we provided so many sheets that ruin the whole looking.

We also created a website, and a video to show our process, and on the presentation, we will let more visitors to get involved in this ‘connected art’. And we made a poster, although in this part, I made a poster which is colorful and with rich content, but our group members like simple and unified style. So our poster may not attract people when you see it first, but it just suits our theme and our art style-several sheets and one canvas.

Anyway, this is a project involved creativity and collaborative, which brought people with different majors, different thoughts to one platform.

Right now our project still untitled, for it’s hard to make a brilliant name for this project.

Games And Old People

When talking about computer games, everyone cares about whether it is good for young people. People said that games play a very important role to raise young children’s responsibility, cooperation ability, etc. While reading this chapter in Pink’s book, I came up with an idea that we can pay attention on old people instead of young people. In this case, I conclude that games also brought good things to old people.

An old Chinese man holding a bird in the left picture was the most common scene in China before the internet game became popular. At that time, old people who retired usually had nothing to do and did not have people talking to them. Especially for those people who have difficulties with walking, they stayed at home, talking to birds, watching TV. Old people felt lonely, and they lost chances to interact with others. Usually they did simple and repetitive tasks, which means they may rarely use their brain. Those are all situations which can lead to senile dementia which is a kind of disease that old people lose normal thinking ability and language skills.

Nowadays, in China, things have changed because of a popular internet game–QQ farm. This network-based game helps old people to keep a good memory. The game is basiclly about a virtual farm, where your friends on the internet can ‘steal’ your plants when at the ripe time and you also plant your own seeds in a good management. The game is easy-manipulated but rich-contented, it doesn’t need people learn too much knowledge on computer. Taking my grandma for example, she did not know anything about computer before, but now she can use the computer skillfully, even she can propose some improvement measures on that computer games. She writes down when to ‘steal’ her friends’ plants, and she figures out how to plan her ‘farm, like which fields to plant what. She uses her brain everyday, and she felt the game keeps her busy everyday so that she would not feel too bored to be sleepy.

The game also give her a companion with whom she does not feel lonely anymore. I am not just saying a good companion to play with, but also the game connect my grandma with her same-aged relatives. My grandma has six brothers and sisters living in six different cities. Using this QQ farm game, they get into other reletives lands and see what’s new, they could feel like they keep in touch every day. Also, sometime this game give old people more things to talk about, which a benefit their social life.

Hence, internet games bring old people a lot. Young people might know some life theories through games, however, old people get what the most important to them, a happy and healthy old life.


Brainstorming in symphony

While reading the symphony chapter, inspired by the examples the author used, my head filled with all kinds of symphonious things in our life. To master the symphony aptitude, I think brainstorming is a very good way. In this way, we are free to think about all kinds of ideas without limitations, although some ideas may look ridiculous, while there will definitely be some creative and surprising thoughts. Here are few things that connect the unrelated parts together and we get a unity I brainstormed.

Pink told us that the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups story which made me think all kinds of delicious foods from the world are created by mixing unrelated materials together. For example, cream and normal bread are seemingly unrelated things, but when putting cream on the bread, we get the tasteful and beautiful cake. That is how symphony works. The same thing can apply to the invention basketball which links the baskets to the balls; tennis links the balls to the plastic rackets.

Also, not just our human has the ability to link two things that have no relation, but science developed it own ways of symphony. One theory just came in to my mind–wave-particle duality. The nature put the totally different characters into one matter. I do not know how Einstein has the idea to connect these two things together, but I think it might because he had a broad mind which can master both science and art.

Going on brainstorming, I want to connect things myself. What can be the connection between snakes and the farms? When we let the snakes alive, then snakes will eat the mice, and then mice will decrease, so the crops will be saved. In our L-Directed thinking, we will never think about the connections between these two things, but our R-Directed thinking pattern made us understand this and apply to the practical application.

Now I could conclude a theory that I learnt in high school, all the things are connected to each other. Some may seemingly unrelated, but after several steps, we will find they have a kind of relation. The key to find them is practicing to think with R-Directed, carefully watching our life, trying to broad our mind.