The class of Friday September 2 was an unusual class. Our homework was to bring an object handcrafted by me. I brought a little wood case I did with my dad. Before going to the class I did not know what it was for.
Entering the classroom, Dr. Hunter told us that we were going to get out of the classroom environment to go and start our invention mob. Finally, I recognized that the handcrafted object’s purpose was to come up with an idea of the invention mob. My object did not serve to bring new ideas for the invention mob project.
My group spent quite a lot of time thinking about what our project could be about. It was extremely awkward because no one was giving ideas and everybody was looking at each other thinking “kill me right now.”
I spoke and asked my group members “what are you good at?”
One member of the group was good at Photoshop editing, one liked comic books and another one liked short stories. Combining these ideas and talents the group came up with the idea to create a photographic comic. The theme that was proposed by one of the group members was a detective/spy theme.
The project is planned to be made as collaborative as possible between the four of us in the group. Weiting will specialize on photo editing and the rest of us will focus on obtaining photos from friends and photos that match up the storyline for the comic. The distribution will definitely change as the project solidifies.
To make a good invention mob, our group will try to integrate as much people outside of the group. We are going to ask people outside of the project to give us ideas and even participate as characters in the comic.
Meanwhile, the first task to complete the invention mob is that each of us has to chat with friends. During the chat we are going to give our friends the four possible characters in the comic.
- Detective
- Detective’s partner
- Criminal
- Lab Scientist
Afterwards he or she would have to come up with a mini-skit. The purpose of the mini-skits is to pile up different ideas from everyone and make an amalgam of all the ideas that will build up the plot of the comic book.
So far the invention mob project seems to be extremely interesting and exciting. I cannot wait to see its final outcome!