Nineteenth-Century Studies and British Literature
Introduction to English Studies, Spring 2015, Fall 2015
British Novel to 1900, Fall 2014
Studies in the Humanities, WSU, 2012
English II, “The Posthuman and the Nineteenth Century,” Georgia Tech, 2012
English II. “Architecture & Design in Victorian Literature,” Georgia Tech, 2011
English Literature, 1750 to Present, UF, 2006-2007
American and World Literature
Women Writers: 20th-Century American. WSU, 2013
World Literature, 17th Century to Modern, UF, 2008 (Projects)
American Literature, “The American Dream Revisited,” UF, 2009 Syllabus
Multimodal Communication
Introduction to Digital Technology and Culture, WSU, Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015
Multimedia Authoring: Exploring New Rhetorics, WSU, 2013
English I. “Invention and the Creative Process,” Georgia Tech, 2011-2012 Website ; Projects
English I. “The New Consumer Society,” Georgia Tech, 2010 Syllabus ; Projects
“Classroom, Campus, and Community: Multimodal Communication for Student-Athletes,” Georgia Tech, 2011 Syllabus ; Projects
Technical Communication
Technical and Professional Writing. WSU, Summer 2013, 2013-2014
Undergraduate Research Proposal Writing, Georgia Tech, 2011
Introductory Writing, WSU, 2012-2013
Introduction to Argument and Persuasion (2004-2008) Assignment Sequence
Introduction to College Writing (2005-2007) Assignment Sequence I ; Assignment Sequence II
Multimodal Communication
Introduction to Digital Technology and Culture, WSU, Fall 2014
Multimedia Authoring: Exploring New Rhetorics, WSU, 2013
English I. “Invention and the Creative Process,” Georgia Tech, 2011-2012
English I. “The New Consumer Society,” Georgia Tech, 2010
“Classroom, Campus, and Community: Multimodal Communication for Student-Athletes,” Georgia Tech, 2011
Technical Communication
Technical and Professional Writing. WSU, Summer 2013, 2013-2014
Undergraduate Research Proposal Writing, Georgia Tech, 2011
Women Writers: 19th-Century British, WSU, 2014
Studies in the Humanities, WSU, 2012
English II, “The Posthuman and the Nineteenth Century,” Georgia Tech, 2012
English II. “Architecture & Design in Victorian Literature,” Georgia Tech, 2011
English Literature, 1750 to Present, UF, 2006-2007